Sunday, August 26, 2012

HOPping Over the Bar

Hello everyone!  My name is Tess, I recently graduated with my M.B.A. and I currently live in sunny San Diego.  School has never been my favorite, but I love to learn about new things.  I am lucky enough to have some old college friends who have started a brewery in San Diego, and I have somehow convinced them to teach me all about beers and brewing!  Drinking beer has always been something I have been into, but I never really took it that seriously.  I mean its beer … you drink it and you have a good time … can it really be that complicated?  Oh man, I have since learned that “complicated” is an understatement!  With foreign terms like “lactococcus” and dirty terms like “frothy head”, you can imagine the fun we had trying to think of a name for my blog.  Just imagine a city/sorority girl sitting in a room of ex college frat boys talking about “good head” and “hopping” on and over things.  Needless to say, they haven’t changed much since college five years ago, but at least now they’re are talking about brewing beer!

So I will now be spending one day each week at On the Tracks Brewery in Carlsbad hopping from one side of the bar to the other.  Please follow me as I learn about the different kinds of beer, how to taste the different flavors of beer, and even how to brew beer! Believe me, if I can do it anyone can!  I’ll do all the leg work all you have to do is follow along.  I can’t promise we will all be Master Brewers, but I can assure you we will have a lot of fun!
 Alicia and I enjoying our Sunday Funday!  Tasting barley and drinking some delicious brews!  We also played a bit of dress up!  Pictures and stories to come!!
 Sipping on Baltic Pepper Porter ... so yummy!!  Took home a growler of the Sour Spike tonight as well!  Alicia thinks it tastes like Jagermeister ... I think it tastes like yummy goodness!

               Sassy Redhead
               Golden Spike
               Box Car Brown
               Baltic Pepper Porter
               San Diego Pride
               Pullman Porter
               Sour Spike

This week’s HOPPenin’ fact:
               Porter was George Washington’s favorite beer!


On The Tracks Brewery
5674 El Camino Real Suite G
 Carlsbad, CA 92008
(760) 550-9688

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous, Tess! I'm excited to read about your adventures. Love you, my sweet pledge sister.
